Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Drew Starts Preschool

In August 2011, Drew started K4 at First Baptist. We were a little nervous about how he would do since he is so shy, but he LOVED school and his wonderful teachers. He got to do tons of fun things throughout the year, which included the Harvest Festival, Polar Express, Easter Celebration and his end of the year program. He also learned to write all of his letters, he knows all of his sounds, and can recognize lots of words. Now we have a few weeks until he will start Kindergarten and we can't wait to see what this next chapter holds for him. I will leave you with a few pictures from throughout the year.

Sitting with Santa

Waiting for the Polar Express

Holding a real bunny rabbit

Making Resurrection Rolls for Easter

Singing at his end of the year program

Drew at his end of the year art show

I'm Back....

Well, I definitely became a huge slacker with this blog. I haven't updated in about a year and a half but I am back and am going to try to update regularly. Alot has happened in the past year and a half so I will try to do a few posts to get back up to date. Until next time...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I forgot to add the pictures in the last post, so here they are. The last one is of Brady when he was about 5 days old. I can't remember him being that little!

18 Months

My sweet little B turned 18 months old on the 22nd. Where is the time going? Drew is 4 and Brady is 1 1/2, they need to stop growing so fast! Well I took Brady for his check-up on the 2nd. Here are is 18 month stats.
  • weighs 28 lbs and is 33 inches tall. (50-75th percentile)
  • talks up a storm, can say mama, dada, dew-dew(drew), doggy, kitty, cookie, juice, bye, beep-beep, no, pie(paci), ella(my mom), gaga(andy's mom), mimi, ra-ra(ray, my dad), g(gene, andy's dad), appi(apple), nana(banana), ball, baby. He says plenty of other things, I just haven't figured them all out yet.
  • loves to sing "Wheels on the Bus" and does all of the hand movements.
  • still drinking whole milk
  • is starting to become a picky eater. He use to eat EVERYTHING, but now only likes a few things. Still loves any fruit and loves yogurt.
  • loves to do anything that Drew is doing. For example if Drew runs and falls down on the floor, B has to run and fall down on the floor too.
  • loves reading books. His favorites right now are his farm book and his puppy & kitty book.
  • loves Elmo & Spongebob. He gets so excited to see anything with Elmo or Spongebob on it. He says momo for Elmo and bob bob for Spongebob.
  • is wearing 24 month clothes and some 2t .
  • wears a size 6 shoe but is quickly outgrowing them.
  • loves to take a bath. He knows he is supposed to take a bath after dinner, so once he gets out of his highchair he starts trying to undress himself.
  • is so sweet and loving. He loves to give hugs and kisses!

Happy 18 months to my little B! We love you so much and are so thankful to have you as our baby boy! And of course I can't leave you without a few pictures!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February 9th was Drew's 4th Birthday. I still can't believe my baby is 4! We had him a small party at our house on February 7th. It was just mostly family & we had a great time. Drew wanted a Super Mario Brothers theme because he is in LOVE with Mario & Luigi right now. We had the cutest Mario cake from Cake Designs and it was yummy! (but I am a little partial to birthday cake) Drew got tons of great presents. He got t-ball stuff, spring & summer clothes, a batcave, books, dvds and tons more. He is one BLESSED little boy!

Then on Drew's actual Birthday we decided to take him bowling and to lunch. He loves to play bowling on the Wii so we figured he would love to go bowling. And we were right! He LOVED it! After bowling we let him pick where he would like to go for lunch. (I just knew he was going to say MCD's) But thank goodness he didn't. He chose to go to Texas Roadhouse, what can I say the boy loves steak! We had a great time and Drew had a great 4th birthday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Please check this blog out for an awesome giveaway! A brand new HP TouchSmart 600 PC!

Go here now!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Please head over to A Giveaway Everyday to enter to win a Summer Infant Color Video Monitor set. These are perfect to keep an eye on baby during the night & naptime!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I can't believe Thanksgiving is one week from today! Where has the month of November gone? I am so excited for turkey and dressing. I think I have been craving it for about 2 weeks now. I also can't believe Christmas is just over a month away. I went ahead and took all of my fall decorations down since we won't be having Thanksgiving at our house this year and I have started putting my Christmas decorations up. I am just so excited to decorate for Christmas this year. I guess it is because in years past I have always been working so I never got to really enjoy all the little things that come along with Christmas because we were always so rushed. So this year I plan to enjoy all the decorating and baking Christmas goodies. I plan to go ahead and do most of my Christmas shopping this weekend. Every year I always say that I will have it done early but it never happens but this year I am sticking to it. I hope to finish up on last minute deals on black Friday and then get to enjoy this month of December without having to worry about shopping. We will see if I actually get it done!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So, I guess I am not very good at this whole blog thing. I haven't blogged in a whole month! I guess I will just do an extremely long post to catch everyone up on what's been going on around here.
My last entry was before we went on our beach trip. We had a fabulous time at the beach. The first day we were there was beautiful and we enjoying going on the beach and swimming in the pool. That night we attempted to go and eat a Lulu's (attempted being the key word). Drew hadn't taken a nap that day and of course fell asleep in the car. Well when we got inside Lulu's it was so loud that he just couldn't take it. He cried and cried and cried, and he has never done that in a restaurant. Brady was also a bit crabby because the baby sitting behind us was eating mac & cheese and wouldn't give him any. :) So we ended up leaving and picked up a Burger King on the way home. Well the next day it was rainy and gloomy so we did some outlet mall shopping. That night we decided to beat all the crowds and went to the Original Oyster House at 5:00. Both boys did great and dinner was awesome! That is definitely my fav place to eat in Gulf Shores. Well the rest of the weekend was rainy too so we went to the outlets some more and just hung around the condo. Well had a great time and it was so nice to get away and relax a little.

September 18th was my birthday and we just kept it low key this year. We grilled some steaks with my parents and watched some Auburn football. WAR EAGLE!!!!!

Then on Oct. 11th we welcomed a new little member to the family. My cousin Rachael and her husband Ken had their little boy, Kenneth Jacob (Jake) Spivey. He was 6 lbs 15 oz and is absolutely beautiful!

And now for the past week I have been SICK! Me, the one who always washes her hands and uses hand sanitizer like it is going out of style. It started out like a sinus infection but progressively got worse. I finally went to the doctor and found out I had Pneumonia. I stayed quarantined in the bedroom for a few days and now I am finally starting to feel a little better. I just can't get my energy back, and I need it to keep up with two rowdy boys!

Well that's all I have for now but I promise to get better at this. I will add some new pictures from the last month as soon as I get them downloaded. Happy Hump Day!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beach Bound

I am so excited! We are heading to the beach on Thursday morning. We are going to Orange Beach and staying until Sunday. It will be so nice to get away and get to soak up some sunshine (if the weather permits). This will be our second beach trip this summer. We went in early May to Destin and had a great time. I can't wait for some seafood, sun, and outlet malls! Does anyone have any favorite places to eat in Orange Beach/Gulf Shores????